What is Futurizer?
Valo Future has developed a new concept for designing a successful tomorrow. But what is it in practice? Let's find out by interviewing Tiitta Vaulos, the CEO of Valo Future.
News & blog
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Please note that our blogs, when written in Finnish, are often translated into English by a robot. We are sorry for any inconvenience. The future is already here – but the robots still have a few miles to go to catch up.
Valo Future has developed a new concept for designing a successful tomorrow. But what is it in practice? Let's find out by interviewing Tiitta Vaulos, the CEO of Valo Future.
In addition to being effective, can development projects also be inspiring - or even fun? Read how and why we gamified business and customer experience development, as well as our five tips to get results.
Can our vast future databank become alive through drama? In June, we piloted a future workshop with Posintra Oy and drama coach Tiina Heikka. Minna from Posintra shares her experiences, read more from our blog!
This summer you can spot a Bear (Karhu in Finnish) in our office - our team has gained a new member, Milka. Read Milka's interview!
Valo's Senni Alho attended the latest UN Environment Assembly as a Youth Delegate and found that the organization still requires regeneration:
"The UN Environment Program needs to make a rather radical change if it plans to achieve more on environmental issues in the next decade than it has in the last 50 years of its existence."
Read about Senni’s experiences and thoughts from the trip to Nairobi from the blog.
Valon tulevaisuusasiantuntija Reeta Partti pohtii suomalaisten asennetta edelläkävijyyteen ja kuvaa löydöksiä edelläkävijöiden tuntomerkeistä Kauppalehti Option haastattelussa.
ELY selected Valo Future to deliver workshops to strengthen customer thinking and promote the customer strategy among ELY centre managers and supervisors.
Socio-culture & Strategy
Sosiokulttuurinen strategia- ja näkemystoimisto Valo Future on erikoistunut kunnianhimoisen ihmis- ja tulevaisuuslähtöisen menestyksen tukemiseen.
Strategia, ihmis-& tulevaisuuslähtöisyys Tiitta Vaulos, +358 50 5727859
Strategia, brändi, osallistaminen
Kirsi Saloranta, +358 40 512 3286