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Vanhustyön keskusliitto: Arvoa tuottavilla jäsenpalveluilla parempi vanhuus

How can organizations prepare for the growing needs of their members and the changes in the operating environment? Read how Vanhustyön keskusliitto, The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People, took a leap ahead in its project with Valo.

Starting point

Developing services with customer- and future-orientation

Vanhustyön keskusliitto is Finland's largest national organization in the field of elder work, which emphasizes the voice of elder workers and does advocacy of more than 300 member communities to promote the well-being, functional capacity and social security of older people and the elderly. The association offers solutions that work for the everyday life of aging through its own services as well as those of its member communities.

Together with its members, the union plays a significant role as a builder and enabler of a good old age. The association wanted to clarify the vision of membership activities and the roadmap for the development of services, taking into account the growing needs of the membership and changes in the operating environment.

This project was top notch! I'm very satisfied with the whole project, its customer-oriented and future-oriented design and the concrete end-results. This project allows us to move forward easily.


Designing the service map by taking one step ahead and involving members

The project consisted of three parts:

  • See further, future workshop: changing operating environment, the service map of tomorrow and hypotheses
  • Designing together with the members: Participatory interviews and validating the findings with the member network
  • A multi-stakeholder vision workshop and next steps forward

End result

A clear vision and next steps forward

As the end-result, Vanhustyön keskusliitto received a clarified vision of member activities and a strategic road map with concrete development measures. A better understanding of the needs of different member segments and the changing operating environment will steer the union towards a better tomorrow.

Read more about the Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People

Examples of 2030 Futurizerin trends which offered a comprehensive knowledge and inspiration basis for the project. 2030 Futurizer includes over 200 trends which have been identified as possible drivers of change in the operating environment.

Tuija Wikström

Project lead, Customer Success Lead, CX Specialist

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Sosiokulttuurinen strategia- ja näkemystoimisto Valo Future on erikoistunut kunnianhimoisen ihmis- ja tulevaisuuslähtöisen menestyksen tukemiseen.

Strategia, ihmis-& tulevaisuuslähtöisyys Tiitta Vaulos, +358 50 5727859

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