Looking for inspiration to improve your customer experience?
Write compelling justifications and you could win for yourself the Customer Experience Toolbox, a physical box containing everything you need for engaging customer experience workshops.
News & blog
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Please note that our blogs, when written in Finnish, are often translated into English by a robot. We are sorry for any inconvenience. The future is already here – but the robots still have a few miles to go to catch up.
Write compelling justifications and you could win for yourself the Customer Experience Toolbox, a physical box containing everything you need for engaging customer experience workshops.
How to inspire all staff to deliver the best possible customer experience? Read how we helped Teosto do this and how Miia Engberg, Customer Experience Manager, comments on the workshops.
Agile mini-workshops are a good solution in many situations to speed up progress. Read how customer experience development got a boost at PostNord Strålfors.
Valo Future has developed a new concept for designing a successful tomorrow. But what is it in practice? Let's find out by interviewing Tiitta Vaulos, the CEO of Valo Future.
How is a customer strategy implemented in the everyday life of 3,000 employees? Read how we helped ELY centers to improve their customer orientation.
How can organizations prepare for the growing needs of their members and the changes in the operating environment? Read how Vanhustyön keskusliitto, The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People, took a leap ahead in its project with Valo.
Maailma on täynnä epävarmuutta, mutta myös suuria mahdollisuuksia. Valo Future tarjoaa tienviittoja tulevaisuuteen uudella Futurizer 2030-työkalullaan.
How to respond to a changing world and build a successful tomorrow? The solution is not to gather more information, reports and data. But then what? The path to my own learning starts with a big failure.
How to measure customer experience success? What other metrics are there besides NPS? In her blog, Valo’s Tuija Wikström gives tips on how to find the relevant KPIs to measure customer experience.
Want to build a superior customer experience? Start with your own employees.
Socio-culture & Strategy
Sosiokulttuurinen strategia- ja näkemystoimisto Valo Future on erikoistunut kunnianhimoisen ihmis- ja tulevaisuuslähtöisen menestyksen tukemiseen.
Strategia, ihmis-& tulevaisuuslähtöisyys Tiitta Vaulos, +358 50 5727859
Strategia, brändi, osallistaminen
Kirsi Saloranta, +358 40 512 3286